Form label should use I18n was updated by slotxo
Wednesday Jun 30
ticket -
I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific locale was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket
The translation helper is unsafe!was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket -
incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket
protein and healthy fats was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket
Mediterranean Diet was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket
i18n docs: github source links was updated by slotxo 11:45 AM ticket
Update Wiki Page for Translations available in rails was updated by slotxo 11:44 AM ticket
Mediterranean meal plan was updated by slotxo 11:44 AM ticket
Resurge Review – Best Pill To Cut Down Your Fat Without Any Workouts? was updated by slotxo 11:44 AM ticket