#71 new
rachle green2

Training for Therapy Dogs: Preparing Canines to Provide Comfort and Support

Reported by rachle green2 | September 9th, 2024 @ 10:51 AM

Therapy dogs bring comfort and joy to people in hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. Learn about the specific training that therapy dogs undergo to ensure they remain calm, gentle, and responsive in various environments, and how they help improve the emotional well-being of those they visit.

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  • phil3

    phil3 September 9th, 2024 @ 01:21 PM

    Training for therapy dogs focuses on preparing canines to provide big dog shirts comfort and emotional support to those in need. These specially trained dogs visit hospitals, nursing homes, and schools, offering companionship and stress relief. Through obedience training, socialization, and exposure to different environments, therapy dogs develop the skills to remain calm and gentle in various situations. Their loving presence not only uplifts spirits but also promotes healing, making them invaluable companions in therapeutic settings.

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